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  • Dr. Greetje “Gretta” F. Corporaal
  • Sociologist of Technology, Work, and Organizations

I’m a Research Fellow and British Academy Postdoctoral Fellow at Saïd Business School (SBS), University of Oxford, where I also serve as the Principal Investigator of the iWork Project, a Research Associate at the Oxford Internet Institute (OII), University of Oxford, a co-founder of the Platform Economy Interest Group, and a co-host of the Talking About Organizations Podcast.

A Sociologist of Technology, Work, and Organizations, my research investigates the social, organizational, and strategy implications of using digital technologies in the workplace and in labor markets. Using ethnographic methods, I study the changing nature of work in the digital economy, the impact of platform technologies, artificial intelligence, and cloud computing on work and employment, and the social organization of knowledge intensive work — particularly in the area of innovation, technology development, and strategic change.

My PhD research on cross-boundary collaboration in a Japanese Multinational focused on profound transformations of modern-day knowledge work as organizational boundaries become increasingly permeable and work takes place in digital distributed collaborative spaces. I studied distributed work processes (collaboration, coordination, knowledge sharing, boundary work) among scientists, engineers, and management professions. My Postdoctoral research on the emergence of digital labour platforms investigates how – as new labour market intermediaries – platforms design and govern their markets, and holding implications for existing labour market and workplace institutions. I studied technology companies that operate digital labour platforms and their users.

In my British Academy Fellowship, I examine how firm utilization of digital labour platforms to bring external experts into the workplace impacts the nature of work and organizing. Through an ethnographic study inside the world’s largest platform for knowledge work, my iWork Project is the first to document how platform organizations themselves engage remote contractors, thereby shaping at origin the future of work. In recent work, I further examine how organizations in the on-demand talent space engage in collective organizing to orchestrate work transformation and how the adoption of cloud technology and internal labor platforms shape work and employment in innovation ecosystems.

I’m an active member of the Academy of Management and the European Group of Organization Studies. In 2014, I had the honour to be granted a Young Talent Award from the Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds, which enabled me to work as a visiting researcher at New York University’s Stern School of Business for six months. In 2015, I received the Wilhelmina Drucker Early Career Award from VU Amsterdam. In 2017, I received an Above and Beyond the Call of Duty Reviewer Award from the Academy of Management. And in 2019, I was selected as a British Academy Postdoctoral Fellow for my research on work transformations brought about by digital labour platforms. My work has been covered in the Financial Times, Fortune Magazine, and Forbes Magazine.

Prior to joining Saïd Business School, I was a Postdoctoral Researcher at the Oxford Internet Institute, University of Oxford. I received my PhD in Organization Sciences and MSc (cum laude) in Social Research from VU Amsterdam. I further obtained a PMC (cum laude) in Culture, Organization and Management from VU Amsterdam and a BSc in Psychology from the University of Groningen, where I also studied Classical Violin and Modern Japan Studies.

See also:


      • Dr. Greetje Corporaal
      • Saïd Business School
      • University of Oxford
      • Park End Street
      • Oxford
      • OX1 1HP Oxfordshire
      • United Kingdom